The discrete logarithm problem forms the basis of many cryptographic primitives. Ilić and Magliveras showed that the generalized discrete logarithm problem in certain non-abelian groups is easy to solve. Here we provide details and numerical examples based on results by Ilić and Magliveras.
Subsection7.1Discrete logarithm with special generators
The general linear group of degree \(n\) over \(\mathbb{F}_q\) (denoted by \(GL(n,\mathbb{F}_q)\)) is the set of \(n\times n\) invertible matrices, together with the operation of ordinary matrix multiplication. The special linear group \(SL(n,\mathbb{F}_q)\) of degree \(n\) over \(\mathbb{F}_q\) is the set of \(n\times n\) matrices with determinant 1. The center \(Z(GL(n,\mathbb{F}_q))\) of \(GL(n,\mathbb{F}_q)\) consists of all matrices of the form
\lambda I,
where \(\lambda\in\mathbb{F}_q^*\) and \(I\) is the \(n\times n\) identity matrix. The quotient group
is called the projective special linear group of degree \(n\) over \(\mathbb{F}_q.\) Consider the group \(PSL(2,\mathbb{F}_p)\) where \(p\) is an odd prime. Let
Solving the generalized discrete logarithm problem here means the determination of non-negative integers \((i,j,k,l)\) such that \(M=A^i B^j A^kB^l.\) It is easy to see that
A solution of the above system is \((i,j,k,l)=(0,5,2,2)\) that is we have
A SageMath implementation (based on the code written by Krisztián Dsupin in his BSc Thesis) of the above computation is as follows.
Figure7.1.Discrete logarithm with special generators
Subsection7.2General case in \(PSL(2,\mathbb{F}_p)\)
The above method can be extended to more general groups. Let \(C,D\) be order \(p,\) non-commuting elements of \(PSL(2,\mathbb{F}_p).\) Consider the group \(G=<C,D>.\) We show that the discrete logarithm problem can be reduced to the previous case, that is we can solve it in \(<A,B>\) instead of \(<C,D>.\) To do so we try to determine \(g \in G= PSL(2,\mathbb{F}_p)\) for which
To compute \(g_1,g_2,g_3\) and \(g_4\) we may use the system of linear equations \(gC=A^sg\) and \(gD=B^tg.\) Suppose that we have determined such a matrix \(g,\) than we have
where \(M_1=gMg^{-1}\) and \(x=si, y=tj,v=sk,w=tl.\) Thus the problem is reduced and we can apply the method introduced previously. Let us describe a concrete example. Consider the matrices given by
If \(s=1\) and \(t=2,\) then we have \(g=\begin{pmatrix}
6 & 2 \\
6 & 5
\end{pmatrix}\) and \(M_1=g \cdot M \cdot g^{-1}= \begin{pmatrix}
3 & 3 \\
1 & 6
\end{pmatrix}.\) It remains to solve the discrete logarithm problem given by \(M_1=A^xB^yA^vB^w,\) where