Table of Content | Chapter Eight (Part 5) |
8.9 -
The END Directive 8.10 - Variables 8.11 - Label Types 8.11.1 - How to Give a Symbol a Particular Type 8.11.2 - Label Values |
8.11.3 -
Type Conflicts 8.12 - Address Expressions 8.12.1 - Symbol Types and Addressing Modes 8.12.2 - Arithmetic and Logical Operators 8.12.3 - Coercion |
8.9 The END Directive | |
The end
directive terminates an assembly
language source file. In addition to telling MASM that it has reached the end of an
assembly language source file, the end
directive's optional operand tells
MS-DOS where to transfer control when the program begins execution; that is, you specify
the name of the main procedure as an operand to the end
directive. If the end
directive's operand is not present, MS-DOS will begin execution starting at the first byte
in the .exe file. Since it is often inconvenient to guarantee that your main program
begins with the first byte of object code in the .exe file, most programs specify a
starting location as the operand to the end
directive. If you are using the
SHELL.ASM file as a skeleton for your assembly language programs, you will notice that the
directive already specifies the procedure main
as the
starting point for the program.
If you are using separate assembly and you're linking together several different object code files (see "Managing Large Programs"), only one module can have a main program. Likewise, only one module should specify the starting location of the program. If you specify more than one starting location, you will confuse the linker and it will generate an error.
Global variable declarations use the byte/sbyte/db,
word/sword/dw, dword/sdword/dd, qword/dq,
and tbyte/dt
Although you can place your variables in any segment (including the code segment), most
beginning assembly language programmers place all their global variables in a single data
A typical variable declaration takes the form:
varname byte initial_value
is the name of the variable you're
declaring and initial_value
is the initial value you want that variable to
have when the program begins execution. "?" is a special initial value. It means
that you don't want to give a variable an initial value. When DOS loads a program
containing such a variable into memory, it does not initialize this variable to any
particular value.
The declaration above reserves storage for a single byte.
This could be changed to any other variable type by simply changing the byte
to some other appropriate pseudo-opcode.
For the most part, this text will assume that you declare
all variables in a data segment, that is, a segment that the 80x86's ds
register will point at. In particular, most of the programs herein will place all
variables in the DSEG
segment (CSEG
is for code, DSEG
is for data, and SSEG
is for the stack). See the SHELL.ASM program in Chaper
Four for more details on these segments.
Since Chapter Five covers the declaration of variables, data types, structures, arrays, and pointers in depth, this chapter will not waste any more time discussing this subject. Refer to Chapter Five for more details.
One unusual feature of Intel syntax assemblers (like MASM) is that they are strongly typed. A strongly typed assembler associates a certain type with symbols declared appearing in the source file and will generate a warning or an error message if you attempt to use that symbol in a context that doesn't allow its particular type. Although unusual in an assembler, most high level languages apply certain typing rules to symbols declared in the source file. Pascal, of course, is famous for being a strongly typed language. You cannot, in Pascal, assign a string to a numeric variable or attempt to assign an integer value to a procedure label. Intel, in designing the syntax for 8086 assembly language, decided that all the reasons for using a strongly typed language apply to assembly language as well as Pascal. Therefore, standard Intel syntax 80x86 assemblers, like MASM, impose certain type restrictions on the use of symbols within your assembly language programs.
8.11.1 How to Give a Symbol a Particular Type
Symbols, in an 80x86 assembly language program, may be one
of eight different primitive types: byte, word, dword, qword, tbyte, near, far, and abs
(constant). Anytime you define a label with the byte, word, dword, qword,
or tbyte
pseudo-opcodes, MASM associates the type of that pseudo-opcode with the label. For
example, the following variable declaration will create a symbol of type byte:
BVar byte ?
Likewise, the following defines a dword symbol:
DWVar dword ?
Variable types are not limited to the primitive types built
into MASM. If you create your own types using the typedef
or struct
directives MASM will associate those types with any associated variable declarations.
You can define near symbols (also known as statement
labels) in a couple of different ways. First, all procedure symbols declared with the proc
directive (with either a blank operand field or near
in the operand
field) are near symbols. Statement labels are also near symbols. A statement label takes
the following form:
label: instr
represents an 80x86 instruction. Note
that a colon must follow the symbol. It is not part of the symbol, the colon informs the
assembler that this symbol is a statement label and should be treated as a near
Statement labels are often the targets of jump and loop instructions. For example, consider the following code sequence:
mov cx, 25 Loop1: mov ax, cx call PrintInteger loop Loop1
The loop
instruction decrements the cx
and transfers control to the instruction labelled by Loop1
until cx
Inside a procedure, statement labels are local. That is,
the scope of statement labels inside a procedure are visible only to code inside that
procedure. If you want to make a symbol global to a procedure, place two colons after the
symbol name. In the example above, if you needed to refer to Loop1
outside of
the enclosing procedure, you would use the code:
mov cx, 25 Loop1:: mov ax, cx call PrintInteger loop Loop1
Generally, far symbols are the targets of jump and call
instructions. The most common method programmers use to create a far label is to place far
in the operand field of a proc
directive. Symbols that are simply constants
are normally defined with the equ
directive. You can also declare symbols
with different types using the equ
and extrn/extern/externdef
An explanation of the extrn
directives appears in the section "Managing
Large Programs".
If you declare a numeric constant using an equate, MASM assigns the type abs (absolute, or constant) to the system. Text and string equates are given the type text. You can also assign an arbitrary type to a symbol using the equ directive, see "Type Operators" for more details.
Whenever you define a label using a directive or
pseudo-opcode, MASM gives it a type and a value. The value MASM gives the label is usually
the current location counter value. If you define the symbol with an equate the equate's
operand usually specifies the symbol's value. When encountering the label in an operand
field, as with the loop
instruction above, MASM substitutes the label's value
for the label.
Since the 80x86 supports strongly typed symbols, the next question to ask is "What are they used for?" In a nutshell, strongly typed symbols can help verify proper operation of your assembly language programs. Consider the following code sections:
DSEG segment public 'DATA' . . . I byte ? . . . DSEG ends CSEG segment public 'CODE' . . . mov ax, I . . . CSEG ends end
The mov
instruction in this example is
attempting to load the ax
register (16 bits) from a byte sized variable. Now
the 80x86 microprocessor is perfectly capable of this operation. It would load the al
register from the memory location associated with I
and load the ah
register from the next successive memory location (which is probably the L.O. byte
of some other variable). However, this probably wasn't the original intent. The person who
wrote this code probably forgot that I
is a byte sized variable and assumed
that it was a word variable - which is definitely an error in the logic of the program.
MASM would never allow an instruction like the one above to be assembled without generating a diagnostic message. This can help you find errors in your programs, particularly difficult-to-find errors. On occasion, advanced assembly language programmers may want to execute a statement like the one above. MASM provides certain coercion operators that bypass MASM's safety mechanisms and allow illegal operations (see "Coercion").
An address expression is an algebraic expression that
produces a numeric result that MASM merges into the displacement field of an instruction.
An integer constant is probably the simplest example of an address expression. The
assembler simply substitutes the value of the numeric constant for the specified operand.
For example, the following instruction fills the immediate data fields of the mov
with zeros:
mov ax, 0
Another simple form of an addressing mode is a symbol. Upon encountering a symbol, MASM substitutes the value of that symbol. For example, the following two statements emit the same object code as the instruction above:
Value equ 0 mov ax, Value
An address expression, however, can be much more complex than this. You can use various arithmetic and logical operators to modify the basic value of some symbols or constants.
Keep in mind that MASM computes address expressions during
assembly, not at run time. For example, the following instruction does not load ax
from location Var
and add one to it:
mov ax, Var1+1
Instead, this instruction loads the al
with the byte stored at the address of Var1
plus one and then loads the ah
register with the byte stored at the address of Var1
plus two.
Beginning assembly language programmers often confuse computations done at assembly time with those done at run time. Take extra care to remember that MASM computes all address expressions at assembly time!
8.12.1 Symbol Types and Addressing Modes
Consider the following instruction:
jmp Location
Depending on how the label Location
defined, this jmp
instruction will perform one of several different
operations. If you'll look back at the chapter on the 80x86 instruction set, you'll notice
that the jmp
instruction takes several forms. As a recap, they are
jmp label (short) jmp label (near) jmp label (far) jmp reg (indirect near, through register) jmp mem/reg (indirect near, through memory) jmp mem/reg (indirect far, thorugh memory)
Notice that MASM uses the same mnemonic (jmp
for each of these instructions; how does it tell them apart? The secret lies with the
operand. If the operand is a statement label within the current segment, the assembler
selects one of the first two forms depending on the distance to the target instruction. If
the operand is a statement label within a different segment, then the assembler selects jmp
(far) label. If the operand following the jmp
instruction is a
register, then MASM uses the indirect near jmp
and the program jumps to the
address in the register. If a memory location is selected, the assembler uses one of the
following jumps:
An error results if you've used byte/sbyte/db
, or tbyte/dt
or some other type.
If you've specified an indirect address, e.g., jmp
, the assembler will generate an error because it cannot determine if bx
is pointing at a word or a dword variable. For details on how you specify the size, see
the section on coercion in this chapter.
8.12.2 Arithmetic and Logical Operators
MASM recognizes several arithmetic and logical operators. The following tables provide a list of such operators:
Operator | Syntax | Description |
+ | +expr | Positive (unary) |
- | -expr | Negation (unary) |
+ | expr + expr | Addition |
- | expr - expr | Subtraction |
* | expr * expr | Multiplication |
/ | expr / expr | Division |
MOD | expr MOD expr | Modulo (remainder) |
[ ] | expr [ expr ] | Addition (index operator) |
Operator | Syntax | Description |
SHR | expr SHR expr | Shift right |
SHL | expr SHL expr | Shift left |
NOT | NOT expr | Logical (bit by bit) NOT |
AND | expr AND expr | Logical AND |
OR | expr OR expr | Logical OR |
XOR | expr XOR expr | Logical XOR |
Operator | Syntax | Description |
EQ | expr EQ expr | True (0FFh) if equal, false (0) otherwise |
NE | expr NE expr | True (0FFh) if not equal, false (0) otherwise |
LT | expr LT expr | True (0FFh) if less, false (0) otherwise |
LE | expr LE expr | True (0FFh) if less or equal, false (0) otherwise |
GT | expr GT expr | True (0FFh) if greater, false (0) otherwise |
GE | expr GE expr | True (0FFh) if greater or equal, false (0) otherwise |
You must not confuse these operators with 80x86
instructions! The addition operator adds two values together, their sum becomes an operand
to an instruction. This addition is performed when assembling the program, not at run
time. If you need to perform an addition at execution time, use the add
or adc
You're probably wondering "What are these operators used for?" The truth is, not much. The addition operator gets used quite a bit, the subtraction somewhat, the comparisons once in a while, and the rest even less. Since addition and subtraction are the only operators beginning assembly language programmers regularly employ, this discussion considers only those two operators and brings up the others as required throughout this text.
The addition operator takes two forms: expr+expr or
expr[expr]. For example, the following instruction loads the accumulator, not from memory
location COUNT
, but from the very next location in memory:
mov al, COUNT+1
The assembler, upon encountering this statement, will
compute the sum of COUNT
's address plus one. The resulting value is the
memory address for this instruction. As you may recall, the mov al, memory
instruction is three bytes long and takes the form:
Opcode | L. O. Displacement Byte | H. O. Displacement Byte
The two displacement bytes of this instruction contain the
sum COUNT+1
The expr[expr]
form of the addition operation
is for accessing elements of arrays. If AryData
is a symbol that represents
the address of the first element of an array, AryData[5]
represents the
address of the fifth byte into AryData
. The expression AryData+5
produces the same result, and either could be used interchangeably, however, for arrays
the expr[expr] form is a little more self documenting. One trap to avoid: expr1[expr2][expr3]
does not automatically index (properly) into a two dimensional array for you. This simply
computes the sum expr1+expr2+expr3
The subtraction operator works just like the addition operator, except it computes the difference rather than the sum. This operator will become very important when we deal with local variables in Chapter 11.
Take care when using multiple symbols in an address expression. MASM restricts the operations you can perform on symbols to addition and subtraction and only allows the following forms:
Expression: Resulting type: reloc + const Reloc, at address specified. reloc - const Reloc, at address specified. reloc - reloc Constant whose value is the number of bytes between the first and second operands. Both variables must physically appear in the same segment in the current source file.
Reloc stands for relocatable symbol or expression. This can be a variable name, a statement label, a procedure name, or any other symbol associated with a memory location in the program. It could also be an expression that produces a relocatable result. MASM does not allow any operations other than addition and subtraction on expressions whose resulting type is relocatable. You cannot, for example, compute the product of two relocatable symbols.
The first two forms above are very common in assembly
language programs. Such an address expression will often consist of a single relocatable
symbol and a single constant (e.g., "var + 1
"). You won't use the
third form very often, but it is very useful once in a while. You can use this form of an
address expression to compute the distance, in bytes, between two points in your program.
The procsize
symbol in the following code, for example, computes the size of Proc1
Proc1 proc near push ax push bx push cx mov cx, 10 lea bx, SomeArray mov ax, 0 ClrArray: mov [bx], ax add bx, 2 loop ClrArray pop cx pop bx pop ax ret Proc1 endp procsize = $ - Proc1
"$" is a special symbol MASM uses to denote the
current offset within the segment (i.e., the location counter). It is a relocatable
symbol, as is Proc1
, so the equate above computes the difference between the
offset at the start of Proc1
and the end of Proc1
. This is the
length of the Proc1
procedure, in bytes.
The operands to the operators other than addition and
subtraction must be constants or an expression yielding a constant (e.g., "$-Proc1
above produces a constant value). You'll mainly use these operators in macros and with the
conditional assembly directives.
Consider the following program segment:
DSEG segment public 'DATA' I byte ? J byte ? DSEG ends CSEG segment . . . mov al, I mov ah, J . . . CSEG ends
Since I and J are adjacent, there is no need to use two mov
instructions to load al
and ah
, a simple mov ax, I
instruction would do the same thing. Unfortunately, the assembler will balk at mov
ax, I
since I is a byte. The assembler will complain if you attempt to treat it as
a word. As you can see, however, there are times when you'd probably like to treat a byte
variable as a word (or treat a word as a byte or double word, or treat a double word as a
something else).
Temporarily changing the type of a label for some
particular occurrence is coercion. Expressions can be coerced to a different type using
the MASM ptr
operator. You use the ptr
operator as follows:
type PTR expression
Type is any of byte, word, dword, tbyte, near
, or other type and expression is any general expression that is the
address of some object. The coercion operator returns an expression with the same value as
expression, but with the type specified by type. To handle the above problem you'd use the
assembly language instruction:
mov ax, word ptr I
This instructs the assembler to emit the code that will
load the ax
register with the word at address I. This will, of course, load al
with I and ah
with J.
Code that uses double word values often makes extensive use
of the coercion operator. Since lds
and les
are the only 32-bit
instructions on pre-80386 processors, you cannot (without coercion) store an integer value
into a 32-bit variable using the mov
instruction on those earlier CPUs. If
you've declared DBL
using the dword
pseudo-opcode, then an
instruction of the form mov DBL,ax
will generate an error because it's
attempting to move a 16 bit quantity into a 32 bit variable. Storing values into a double
word variable requires the use of the ptr
operator. The following code
demonstrates how to store the ds
and bx
registers into the
double word variable DBL
mov word ptr DBL, bx mov word ptr DBL+2, ds
You will use this technique often as various UCR Standard Library and MS-DOS calls return a double word value in a pair of registers.
Warning: If you coerce a jmp
instruction to
perform a far
jump to a near
label, other than performance
degradation (the far jmp
takes longer to execute), your program will work
fine. If you coerce a call
to perform a far call to a near subroutine, you're
headed for trouble. Remember, far calls push the cs
register onto the stack
(with the return address). When executing a near ret
instruction, the old cs
value will not be popped off the stack, leaving junk on the stack. The very next pop
or ret
instruction will not operate properly since it will pop the cs
value off the stack rather than the original value pushed onto the stack.
Expression coercion can come in handy at times. Other times
it is essential. However, you shouldn't get carried away with coercion since data type
checking is a powerful debugging tool built in to MASM. By using coercion, you override
this protection provided by the assembler. Therefore, always take care when overriding
symbol types with the ptr
One place where you'll need coercion is with the mov
memory, immediate
instruction. Consider the following instruction:
mov [bx], 5
Unfortunately, the assembler has no way of telling whether bx
points at a byte, word, or double word item in memory. The value of the immediate
operand isn't of any use. Even though five is a byte quantity, this instruction might be
storing the value 0005h into a word variable, or 00000005 into a double word variable. If
you attempt to assemble this statement, the assembler will generate an error to the effect
that you must specify the size of the memory operand. You can easily accomplish this using
the byte ptr
, word ptr
, and dword ptr
operators as
mov byte ptr [bx], 5 ;For a byte variable mov word ptr [bx], 5 ;For a word variable mov dword ptr [bx], 5 ;For a dword variable
Lazy programmers might complain that typing strings like
"word ptr
" or "far ptr
" is too much work.
Wouldn't it have been nice had Intel chosen a single character symbol rather than these
long phrases? Well, quit complaining and remember the textequ
directive. With
the equate directive you can substitute a long string like "word ptr
for a short symbol. You'll find equates like the following in many programs, including
several in this text:
byp textequ <byte ptr> ;Remember, "bp" is a reserved symbol! wp textequ <word ptr> dp textequ <dword ptr> np textequ <near ptr> fp textequ <far ptr>
With equates like the above, you can use statements like the following:
mov byp [bx], 5 mov ax, wp I mov wp DBL, bx mov wp DBL+2, ds
Table of Content | Chapter Eight (Part 5) |
Chapter Eight: MASM: Directives &
Pseudo-Opcodes (Part 4)
26 SEP 1996