Table of Content | Chapter Seventeen
(Part 2) |
17.1 -
80x86 Interrupt Structure and Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) 17.2 - Traps 17.3 - Exceptions 17.3.1 - Divide Error Exception (INT 0) 17.3.2 - Single Step (Trace) Exception (INT 1) 17.3.3 - Breakpoint Exception (INT 3) 17.3.4 - Overflow Exception (INT 4/INTO) 17.3.5 - Bounds Exception (INT 5/BOUND) 17.3.6 - Invalid Opcode Exception (INT 6) 17.3.7 - Coprocessor Not Available (INT 7) 17.4 - Hardware Interrupts 17.4.1 - The 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) 17.4.2 - The Timer Interrupt (INT 8) 17.4.3 - The Keyboard Interrupt (INT 9) 17.4.4 - The Serial Port Interrupts (INT 0Bh and INT 0Ch) 17.4.5 - The Parallel Port Interrupts (INT 0Dh and INT 0Fh) 17.4.6 - The Diskette and Hard Drive Interrupts (INT 0Eh and INT 76h) 17.4.7 - The Real-Time Clock Interrupt (INT 70h) 17.4.8 - The FPU Interrupt (INT 75h) 17.4.9 - Nonmaskable Interrupts (INT 2) 17.4.10 - Other Interrupts 17.5 - Chaining Interrupt Service Routines 17.6 - Reentrancy Problems 17.7 - The Efficiency of an Interrupt Driven System 17.7.1 - Interrupt Driven I/O vs. Polling 17.7.2 - Interrupt Service Time 17.7.3 - Interrupt Latency 17.7.4 - Prioritized Interrupts 17.8 - Debugging ISRs |
Copyright 1996 by Randall Hyde
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The concept of an interrupt is something that has expanded
in scope over the years. The 80x86 family has only added to the confusion surrounding
interrupts by introducing the int
(software interrupt) instruction. Indeed,
different manufacturers have used terms like exceptions, faults, aborts, traps, and
interrupts to describe the phenomena this chapter discusses. Unfortunately, there is no
clear consensus as to the exact meaning of these terms. Different authors adopt different
terms to their own use. While it is tempting to avoid the use of such misused terms
altogether, for the purpose of discussion it would be nice to have a set of well defined
terms we can use in this chapter. Therefore, we will pick three of the terms above,
interrupts, traps, and exceptions, and define them. This chapter attempts to use the most
common meanings for these terms, but don't be surprised to find other texts using them in
different contexts.
On the 80x86, there are three types of events commonly known as interrupts: traps, exceptions, and interrupts (hardware interrupts). This chapter will describe each of these forms and discuss their support on the 80x86 CPUs and PC compatible machines.
Although the terms trap and exception are often used
synonymously, we will use the term trap to denote a programmer initiated and expected
transfer of control to a special handler routine. In many respects, a trap is nothing more
than a specialized subroutine call. Many texts refer to traps as software interrupts. The
80x86 int
instruction is the main vehicle for executing a trap. Note that
traps are usually unconditional; that is, when you execute an int
instruction, control always transfers to the procedure associated with the trap. Since
traps execute via an explicit instruction, it is easy to determine exactly which
instructions in a program will invoke a trap handling routine.
An exception is an automatically generated trap (coerced rather than requested) that occurs in response to some exceptional condition. Generally, there isn't a specific instruction associated with an exception[1], instead, an exception occurs in response to some degenerate behavior of normal 80x86 program execution. Examples of conditions that may raise (cause) an exception include executing a division instruction with a zero divisor, executing an illegal opcode, and a memory protection fault. Whenever such a condition occurs, the CPU immediately suspends execution of the current instruction and transfers control to an exception handler routine. This routine can decide how to handle the exceptional condition; it can attempt to rectify the problem or abort the program and print an appropriate error message. Although you do not generally execute a specific instruction to cause an exception, as with the software interrupts (traps), execution of some instruction is what causes an exception. For example, you only get a division error when executing a division instruction somewhere in a program.
Hardware interrupts, the third category that we will refer to simply as interrupts, are program control interruption based on an external hardware event (external to the CPU). These interrupts generally have nothing at all to do with the instructions currently executing; instead, some event, such as pressing a key on the keyboard or a time out on a timer chip, informs the CPU that a device needs some attention. The CPU interrupts the currently executing program, services the device, and then returns control back to the program.
An interrupt service routine is a procedure written specifically to handle a trap, exception, or interrupt. Although different phenomenon cause traps, exceptions, and interrupts, the structure of an interrupt service routine, or ISR, is approximately the same for each of these.
Despite the different causes of traps, exceptions, and interrupts, they share a common format for their handling routines. Of course, these interrupt service routines will perform different activities depending on the source of the invocation, but it is quite possible to write a single interrupt handling routine that processes traps, exceptions, and hardware interrupts. This is rarely done, but the structure of the 80x86 interrupt system allows this. This section will describe the 80x86's interrupt structure and how to write basic interrupt service routines for the 80x86 real mode interrupts.
The 80x86 chips allow up to 256 vectored interrupts. This means that you can have up to 256 different sources for an interrupt and the 80x86 will directly call the service routine for that interrupt without any software processing. This is in contrast to nonvectored interrupts that transfer control directly to a single interrupt service routine, regardless of the interrupt source.
The 80x86 provides a 256 entry interrupt vector table beginning at address 0:0 in memory. This is a 1K table containing 256 4-byte entries. Each entry in this table contains a segmented address that points at the interrupt service routine in memory. Generally, we will refer to interrupts by their index into this table, so interrupt zero's address (vector) is at memory location 0:0, interrupt one's vector is at address 0:4, interrupt two's vector is at address 0:8, etc.
When an interrupt occurs, regardless of source, the 80x86 does the following:
1) The CPU pushes the flags register onto the stack.
2) The CPU pushes a far return address (segment:offset) onto the stack, segment value first.
3) The CPU determines the cause of the interrupt (i.e., the interrupt number) and fetches the four byte interrupt vector from address 0:vector*4.
4) The CPU transfers control to the routine specified by the interrupt vector table entry.
After the completion of these steps, the interrupt service
routine takes control. When the interrupt service routine wants to return control, it must
execute an iret
(interrupt return) instruction. The interrupt return pops the
far return address and the flags off the stack. Note that executing a far return is
insufficient since that would leave the flags on the stack.
There is one minor difference between how the 80x86
processes hardware interrupts and other types of interrupts - upon entry into the hardware
interrupt service routine, the 80x86 disables further hardware interrupts by clearing the
interrupt flag. Traps and exceptions do not do this. If you want to disallow further
hardware interrupts within a trap or exception handler, you must explicitly clear the
interrupt flag with a cli
instruction. Conversely, if you want to allow
interrupts within a hardware interrupt service routine, you must explicitly turn them back
on with an sti
instruction. Note that the 80x86's interrupt disable flag only
affects hardware interrupts. Clearing the interrupt flag will not prevent the execution of
a trap or exception.
ISRs are written like almost any other assembly language
procedure except that they return with an iret
instruction rather than ret
Although the distance of the ISR procedure (near vs. far) is usually of no significance,
you should make all ISRs far procedures. This will make programming easier if you decide
to call an ISR directly rather than using the normal interrupt handling mechanism.
Exceptions and hardware interrupts ISRs have a very special restriction: they must preserve the state of the CPU. In particular, these ISRs must preserve all registers they modify. Consider the following extremely simple ISR:
SimpleISR proc far mov ax, 0 iret SimpleISR endp
This ISR obviously does not preserve the machine state; it explicitly disturbs the value in ax and then returns from the interrupt. Suppose you were executing the following code segment when a hardware interrupt transferred control to the above ISR:
mov ax, 5 add ax, 2
; Suppose the interrupt occurs here.
puti . . .
The interrupt service routine would set the ax
register to zero and your program would print zero rather than the value five. Worse yet,
hardware interrupts are generally asynchronous, meaning they can occur at any time and
rarely do they occur at the same spot in a program. Therefore, the code sequence above
would print seven most of the time; once in a great while it might print zero or two (it
will print two if the interrupt occurs between the mov ax, 5
and add
ax, 2
instructions). Bugs in hardware interrupt service routines are very difficult
to find, because such bugs often affect the execution of unrelated code.
The solution to this problem, of course, is to make sure you preserve all registers you use in the interrupt service routine for hardware interrupts and exceptions. Since trap calls are explicit, the rules for preserving the state of the machine in such programs is identical to that for procedures.
Writing an ISR is only the first step to implementing an interrupt handler. You must also initialize the interrupt vector table entry with the address of your ISR. There are two common ways to accomplish this - store the address directly in the interrupt vector table or call DOS and let DOS do the job for you.
Storing the address yourself is an easy task. All you need to do is load a segment register with zero (since the interrupt vector table is in segment zero) and store the four byte address at the appropriate offset within that segment. The following code sequence initializes the entry for interrupt 255 with the address of the SimpleISR routine presented earlier:
mov ax, 0 mov es, ax pushf cli mov word ptr es:[0ffh*4], offset SimpleISR mov word ptr es:[0ffh*4 + 2], seg SimpleISR popf
Note how this code turns off the interrupts while changing
the interrupt vector table. This is important if you are patching a hardware interrupt
vector because it wouldn't do for the interrupt to occur between the last two mov
instructions above; at that point the interrupt vector is in an inconsistent state and
invoking the interrupt at that point would transfer control to the offset of SimpleISR and
the segment of the previous interrupt 0FFh handler. This, of course, would be a disaster.
The instructions that turn off the interrupts while patching the vector are unnecessary if
you are patching in the address of a trap or exception handler[2].
Perhaps a better way to initialize an interrupt vector is
to use DOS' Set Interrupt Vector call. Calling DOS with ah
equal to 25h
provides this function. This call expects an interrupt number in the al
register and the address of the interrupt service routine in ds:dx
. The call
to MS-DOS that would accomplish the same thing as the code above is
mov ax, 25ffh ;AH=25h, AL=0FFh. mov dx, seg SimpleISR ;Load DS:DX with mov ds, dx ; address of ISR lea dx, SimpleISR int 21h ;Call DOS mov ax, dseg ;Restore DS so it mov ds, ax ; points back at DSEG.
Although this code sequence is a little more complex than poking the data directly into the interrupt vector table, it is safer. Many programs monitor changes made to the interrupt vector table through DOS. If you call DOS to change an interrupt vector table entry, those programs will become aware of your changes. If you circumvent DOS, those programs may not find out that you've patched in your own interrupt and could malfunction.
Generally, it is a very bad idea to patch the interrupt vector table and not restore the original entry after your program terminates. Well behaved programs always save the previous value of an interrupt vector table entry and restore this value before termination. The following code sequences demonstrate how to do this. First, by patching the table directly:
mov ax, 0 mov es, ax ; Save the current entry in the dword variable IntVectSave: mov ax, es:[IntNumber*4] mov word ptr IntVectSave, ax mov ax, es:[IntNumber*4 + 2] mov word ptr IntVectSave+2, ax ; Patch the interrupt vector table with the address of our ISR pushf ;Required if this is a hw interrupt. cli ; " " " " " " " mov word ptr es:[IntNumber*4], offset OurISR mov word ptr es:[IntNumber*4+2], seg OurISR popf ;Required if this is a hw interrupt. ; Okay, do whatever it is that this program is supposed to do: . . . ; Restore the interrupt vector entries before quitting: mov ax, 0 mov es, ax pushf ;Required if this is a hw interrupt. cli ; " " " " " " mov ax, word ptr IntVectSave mov es:[IntNumber*4], ax mov ax, word ptr IntVectSave+2 mov es:[IntNumber*4 + 2], ax popf ;Required if this is a hw interrupt. . . .
If you would prefer to call DOS to save and restore the interrupt vector table entries, you can obtain the address of an existing interrupt table entry using the DOS Get Interrupt Vector call. This call, with ah=35h, expects the interrupt number in al; it returns the existing vector for that interrupt in the es:bx registers. Sample code that preserves the interrupt vector using DOS is
; Save the current entry in the dword variable IntVectSave: mov ax, 3500h + IntNumber ;AH=35h, AL=Int #. int 21h mov word ptr IntVectSave, bx mov word ptr IntVectSave+2, es ; Patch the interrupt vector table with the address of our ISR mov dx, seg OurISR mov ds, dx lea dx, OurISR mov ax, 2500h + IntNumber ;AH=25, AL=Int #. int 21h ; Okay, do whatever it is that this program is supposed to do: . . . ; Restore the interrupt vector entries before quitting: lds bx, IntVectSave mov ax, 2500h+IntNumber ;AH=25, AL=Int #. int 21h . . .
17.2 Traps |
A trap is a software-invoked interrupt. To execute a trap,
you use the 80x86 int
(software interrupt) instruction[3].
There are only two primary differences between a trap and an arbitrary far procedure call:
the instruction you use to call the routine (int
vs. call
) and
the fact that a trap pushes the flags on the stack so you must use the iret
instruction to return from it. Otherwise, there really is no difference between a trap
handler's code and the body of a typical far procedure.
The main purpose of a trap is to provide a fixed subroutine
that various programs can call without having to actually know the run-time address.
MS-DOS is the perfect example. The int 21h
instruction is an example of a
trap invocation. Your programs do not have to know the actual memory address of DOS' entry
point to call DOS. Instead, DOS patches the interrupt 21h vector when it loads into
memory. When you execute int 21h
, the 80x86 automatically transfers control
to DOS' entry point, whereever in memory that happens to be.
There is a long lists of support routines that use the trap
mechanism to link application programs to themselves. DOS, BIOS, the mouse drivers, and
Netware' are a few examples. Generally, you would use a trap to call a resident
program function. Resident programs load themselves into memory and remain resident once
they terminate. By patching an interrupt vector to point at a subroutine within the
resident code, other programs that run after the resident program terminates can call the
resident subroutines by executing the appropriate int
Most resident programs do not use a separate interrupt
vector entry for each function they provide. Instead, they usually patch a single
interrupt vector and transfer control to an appropriate routine using a function number
that the caller passes in a register. By convention, most resident programs expect the
function number in the ah
register. A typical trap handler would execute a
case statement on the value in the ah register and transfer control to the appropriate
handler function.
Since trap handlers are virtually identical to far procedures in terms of use, we will not discuss traps in any more detail here. However, the text chapter will explore this subject in greater depth when it discusses resident programs.
[1] Although we
will classify the into
instruction in this category. This is an exception to
this rule.
[2] Strictly speaking, this code sequence does not require the pushf, cli, and popf instructions because interrupt 255 does not correspond to any hardware interrupt on a typical PC machine. However, it is important to provide this example so you're aware of the problem.
[3] You can also simulate an int instruction by pushing the flags and executing a far call to the trap handler. We will consider this mechanism later on.
Chapter Seventeen: Interrupts, Traps
and Exeptions (Part 1)
29 SEP 1996