Table of Content | Chapter Sixteen (Part 8) |
16.6 -
Semantic Rules and Actions 16.7 - Constructing Patterns for the MATCH Routine |
16.6 Semantic Rules and Actions |
Automata theory is mainly concerned with whether or not a string matches a given pattern. Like many theoretical sciences, practitioners of automata theory are only concerned if something is possible, the practical applications are not as important. For real programs, however, we would like to perform certain operations if we match a string or perform one from a set of operations depending on how we match the string.
A semantic rule or semantic action is an operation you
perform based upon the type of pattern you match. This is, it is the piece of code you
execute when you are satisfied with some pattern matching behavior. For example, the call
to patgrab
in the previous section is an example of a semantic action.
Normally, you execute the code associated with a semantic
rule after returning from the call to match
. Certainly when processing
regular expressions, there is no need to process a semantic action in the middle of
pattern matching operation. However, this isn't the case for a context free grammar.
Context free grammars often involve recursion or may use the same pattern several times
when matching a single string (that is, you may reference the same nonterminal several
times while matching the pattern). The pattern matching data structure only maintains
pointers (EndPattern
, StartPattern
, and StrSeg
) to
the last substring matched by a given pattern. Therefore, if you reuse a subpattern while
matching a string and you need to execute a semantic rule associated with that subpattern,
you will need to execute that semantic rule in the middle of the pattern matching
operation, before you reference that subpattern again.
It turns out to be very easy to insert semantic rules in the middle of a pattern matching operation. All you need to do is write a pattern matching function that always succeeds (i.e., it returns with the carry flag clear). Within the body of your pattern matching routine you can choose to ignore the string the matching code is testing and perform any other actions you desire.
Your semantic action routine, on return, must set the carry
flag and it must copy the original contents of di
into ax
. It
must preserve all other registers. Your semantic action must not call the match
routine (call sl_match2
instead). Match
does not allow recursion
(it is not reentrant) and calling match
within a semantic action routine will
mess up the pattern match in progress.
The following example provides several examples of semantic action routines within a program. This program converts arithmetic expressions in infix (algebraic) form to reverse polish notation (RPN) form.
; INFIX.ASM ; ; A simple program which demonstrates the pattern matching routines in the ; UCR library. This program accepts an arithmetic expression on the command ; line (no interleaving spaces in the expression is allowed, that is, there ; must be only one command line parameter) and converts it from infix notation ; to postfix (rpn) notation. .xlist include stdlib.a includelib stdlib.lib matchfuncs .list dseg segment para public 'data' ; Grammar for simple infix -> postfix translation operation ; (the semantic actions are enclosed in braces}: ; ; E -> FE' ; E' -> +F {output '+'} E' | -F {output '-'} E' | <empty string> ; F -> TF' ; F -> *T {output '*'} F' | /T {output '/'} F' | <empty string> ; T -> -T {output 'neg'} | S ; S -> <constant> {output constant} | (E) ; ; UCR Standard Library Pattern which handles the grammar above: ; An expression consists of an "E" item followed by the end of the string: infix2rpn pattern {sl_Match2,E,,EndOfString} EndOfString pattern {EOS} ; An "E" item consists of an "F" item optionally followed by "+" or "-" ; and another "E" item: E pattern {sl_Match2, F,,Eprime} Eprime pattern {MatchChar, '+', Eprime2, epf} epf pattern {sl_Match2, F,,epPlus} epPlus pattern {OutputPlus,,,Eprime} ;Semantic rule Eprime2 pattern {MatchChar, '-', Succeed, emf} emf pattern {sl_Match2, F,,epMinus} epMinus pattern {OutputMinus,,,Eprime} ;Semantic rule ; An "F" item consists of a "T" item optionally followed by "*" or "/" ; followed by another "T" item: F pattern {sl_Match2, T,,Fprime} Fprime pattern {MatchChar, '*', Fprime2, fmf} fmf pattern {sl_Match2, T, 0, pMul} pMul pattern {OutputMul,,,Fprime} ;Semantic rule Fprime2 pattern {MatchChar, '/', Succeed, fdf} fdf pattern {sl_Match2, T, 0, pDiv} pDiv pattern {OutputDiv, 0, 0,Fprime} ;Semantic rule ; T item consists of an "S" item or a "-" followed by another "T" item: T pattern {MatchChar, '-', S, TT} TT pattern {sl_Match2, T, 0,tpn} tpn pattern {OutputNeg} ;Semantic rule ; An "S" item is either a string of one or more digits or "(" followed by ; and "E" item followed by ")": Const pattern {sl_Match2, DoDigits, 0, spd} spd pattern {OutputDigits} ;Semantic rule DoDigits pattern {Anycset, Digits, 0, SpanDigits} SpanDigits pattern {Spancset, Digits} S pattern {MatchChar, '(', Const, IntE} IntE pattern {sl_Match2, E, 0, CloseParen} CloseParen pattern {MatchChar, ')'} Succeed pattern {DoSucceed} include stdsets.a dseg ends cseg segment para public 'code' assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg ; DoSucceed matches the empty string. In other words, it matches anything ; and always returns success without eating any characters from the input ; string. DoSucceed proc far mov ax, di stc ret DoSucceed endp ; OutputPlus is a semantic rule which outputs the "+" operator after the ; parser sees a valid addition operator in the infix string. OutputPlus proc far print byte " +",0 mov ax, di ;Required by sl_Match stc ret OutputPlus endp ; OutputMinus is a semantic rule which outputs the "-" operator after the ; parser sees a valid subtraction operator in the infix string. OutputMinus proc far print byte " -",0 mov ax, di ;Required by sl_Match stc ret OutputMinus endp ; OutputMul is a semantic rule which outputs the "*" operator after the ; parser sees a valid multiplication operator in the infix string. OutputMul proc far print byte " *",0 mov ax, di ;Required by sl_Match stc ret OutputMul endp ; OutputDiv is a semantic rule which outputs the "/" operator after the ; parser sees a valid division operator in the infix string. OutputDiv proc far print byte " /",0 mov ax, di ;Required by sl_Match stc ret OutputDiv endp ; OutputNeg is a semantic rule which outputs the unary "-" operator after the ; parser sees a valid negation operator in the infix string. OutputNeg proc far print byte " neg",0 mov ax, di ;Required by sl_Match stc ret OutputNeg endp ; OutputDigits outputs the numeric value when it encounters a legal integer ; value in the input string. OutputDigits proc far push es push di mov al, ' ' putc lesi const patgrab puts free stc pop di mov ax, di pop es ret OutputDigits endp ; Okay, here's the main program which fetches the command line parameter ; and parses it. Main proc mov ax, dseg mov ds, ax mov es, ax meminit ; memory to the heap. print byte "Enter an arithmetic expression: ",0 getsm print byte "Expression in postfix form: ",0 ldxi infix2rpn xor cx, cx match jc Succeeded print byte "Syntax error",0 Succeeded: putcr Quit: ExitPgm Main endp cseg ends ; Allocate a reasonable amount of space for the stack (8k). sseg segment para stack 'stack' stk db 1024 dup ("stack ") sseg ends ; zzzzzzseg must be the last segment that gets loaded into memory! zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz' LastBytes db 16 dup (?) zzzzzzseg ends end Main
16.7 Constructing Patterns for the MATCH Routine |
A major issue we have yet to discuss is how to convert regular expressions and context free grammars into patterns suitable for the UCR Standard Library pattern matching routines. Most of the examples appearing up to this point have used an ad hoc translation scheme; now it is time to provide an algorithm to accomplish this.
The following algorithm converts a context free grammar to
a UCR Standard Library pattern data structure. If you want to convert a regular expression
to a pattern, first convert the regular expression to a context free grammar. Of course,
it is easy to convert many regular expression forms directly to a pattern, when such
conversions are obvious you can bypass the following algorithm; for example, it should be
obvious that you can use spancset
to match a regular expression like [0-9]*.
The first step you must always take is to eliminate left recursion from the grammar. You will generate an infinite loop (and crash the machine) if you attempt to code a grammar containing left recursion into a pattern data structure. You might also want to left factor the grammar while you are eliminating left recursion. The Standard Library routines fully support backtracking, so left factoring is not strictly necessary, however, the matching routine will execute faster if it does not need to backtrack.
If a grammar production takes the form A B C
where A, B, and C are nonterminal symbols, you would create the
following pattern:
A pattern {sl_match2,B,0,C}
This pattern description for A checks for an occurrence of a B pattern followed by a C pattern.
If B is a relatively simple production (that is, you can convert it to a single pattern data structure), you can optimize this to:
A pattern {B's Matching Function, B's parameter, 0, C}
The remaining examples will always call sl_match2
just to be consistent. However, as long as the nonterminals you invoke are simple, you can
fold them into A''s pattern.
If a grammar production takes the form A B | C
where A, B, and C are nonterminal symbols, you would create the
following pattern:
A pattern {sl_match2, B, C}
This pattern tries to match B. If it succeeds, A succeeds; if it fails, it tries to match C. At this point, A''s success or failure is the success or failure of C.
Handling terminal symbols is the next thing to consider.
These are quite easy - all you need to do is use the appropriate matching function
provided by the Standard Library, e.g., matchstr
or matchchar
For example, if you have a production of the form A abc | y you
would convert this to the following pattern:
A pattern {matchstr,abc,ypat} abc byte "abc",0 ypat pattern {matchchar,'y'}
The only remaining detail to consider is the empty string.
If you have a production of the form A then you need
to write a pattern matching function that always succeed. The elegant way to do this is to
write a custom pattern matching function. This function is
succeed proc far mov ax, di ;Required by sl_match stc ;Always succeed. ret succeed endp
Another, sneaky, way to force success is to use matchstr
and pass it the empty string to match, e.g.,
success pattern {matchstr, emptystr} emptystr byte 0
The empty string always matches the input string, no matter what the input string contains.
If you have a production with several alternatives and is one of
them, you must process
last. For
example, if you have the productions A
abc | y | BC
you would use
the following pattern:
A pattern {matchstr,abc, tryY} abc byte "abc",0 tryY pattern {matchchar, 'y', tryBC} tryBC pattern {sl_match2, B, DoSuccess, C} DoSuccess pattern {succeed}
While the technique described above will let you convert any CFG to a pattern that the Standard Library can process, it certainly does not take advantage of the Standard Library facilities, nor will it produce particularly efficient patterns. For example, consider the production:
Digits0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Converting this to a pattern using the techniques described above will yield the pattern:
Digits pattern {matchchar, '0', try1}
try1 pattern {matchchar, '1', try2}
try2 pattern {matchchar, '2', try3}
try3 pattern {matchchar, '3', try4}
try4 pattern {matchchar, '4', try5}
try5 pattern {matchchar, '5', try6}
try6 pattern {matchchar, '6', try7}
try7 pattern {matchchar, '7', try8}
try8 pattern {matchchar, '8', try9}
try9 pattern {matchchar, '9'}
Obviously this isn't a very good solution because we can match this same pattern with the single statement:
Digits pattern {anycset, digits}
If your pattern is easy to specify using a regular expression, you should try to encode it using the built-in pattern matching functions and fall back on the above algorithm once you've handled the low level patterns as best you can. With experience, you will be able to choose an appropriate balance between the algorithm in this section and ad hoc methods you develop on your own.
Table of Content | Chapter Sixteen (Part 8) |
Chapter Sixteen: Pattern Matching
(Part 7)
29 SEP 1996