Table of Content | Chapter Thirteen (Part 10) |
13.3.12 -
Accessing Command Line Parameters 13.3.13 - ARGC and ARGV |
Most programs like MASM and LINK allow you to specify command line parameters when the program is executed. For example, by typing
you can instruct MASM to assemble MYPGM without any further intervention from the keyboard. "MYPGM.ASM;" is a good example of a command line parameter.
When DOS' COMMAND.COM command interpreter parses your command line, it copies most of the text following the program name to location 80h in the PSP as described in the previous section. For example, the command line above will store the following at PSP:80h
11, " MYPGM.ASM", 0Dh
The text stored in the command line tail storage area in the PSP is usually an exact copy of the data appearing on the command line. There are, however, a couple of exceptions. First of all, I/O redirection parameters are not stored in the input buffer. Neither are command tails following the pipe operator ("|"). The other thing appearing on the command line which is absent from the data at PSP:80h is the program name. This is rather unfortunate, since having the program name available would allow you to determine the directory containing the program. Nevertheless, there is lots of useful information present on the command line.
The information on the command line can be used for almost any purpose you see fit. However, most programs expect two types of parameters in the command line parameter buffer-- filenames and switches. The purpose of a filename is rather obvious, it allows a program to access a file without having to prompt the user for the filename. Switches, on the other hand, are arbitrary parameters to the program. By convention, switches are preceded by a slash or hyphen on the command line.
Figuring out what to do with the information on the command line is called parsing the command line. Clearly, if your programs are to manipulate data on the command line, you've got to parse the command line within your code.
Before a command line can be parsed, each item on the command line has to be separated out apart from the others. That is, each word (or more properly, lexeme[7]) has to be identified in the command line. Separation of lexemes on a command line is relatively easy, all you've got to do is look for sequences of delimiters on the command line. Delimiters are special symbols used to separate tokens on the command line. DOS supports six different delimiter characters: space, comma, semicolon, equal sign, tab, or carriage return.
Generally, any number of delimiter characters may appear between two tokens on a command line. Therefore, all such occurrences must be skipped when scanning the command line. The following assembly language code scans the entire command line and prints all of the tokens that appear thereon:
include stdlib.a includelib stdlib.lib cseg segment byte public 'CODE' assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, es:dseg, ss:sseg ; Equates into command line- CmdLnLen equ byte ptr es:[80h] ;Command line length CmdLn equ byte ptr es:[81h] ;Command line data tab equ 09h MainPgm proc far ; Properly set up the segment registers: push ds ;Save PSP mov ax, seg dseg mov ds, ax pop PSP ;--------------------------------------------------------------- print byte cr,lf byte 'Items on this line:',cr,lf,lf,0 mov es, PSP ;Point ES at PSP lea bx, CmdLn ;Point at command line PrintLoop: print byte cr,lf,'Item: ',0 call SkipDelimiters ;Skip over leading delimiters PrtLoop2: mov al, es:[bx] ;Get next character call TestDelimiter ;Is it a delimiter? jz EndOfToken ;Quit this loop if it is putc ;Print char if not. inc bx ;Move on to next character jmp PrtLoop2 EndOfToken: cmp al, cr ;Carriage return? jne PrintLoop ;Repeat if not end of line print byte cr,lf,lf byte 'End of command line',cr,lf,lf,0 ExitPgm MainPgm endp ; The following subroutine sets the zero flag if the character in ; the AL register is one of DOS' six delimiter characters, ; otherwise the zero flag is returned clear. This allows us to use ; the JE/JNE instructions afterwards to test for a delimiter. TestDelimiter proc near cmp al, ' ' jz ItsOne cmp al,',' jz ItsOne cmp al,Tab jz ItsOne cmp al,';' jz ItsOne cmp al,'=' jz ItsOne cmp al, cr ItsOne: ret TestDelimiter endp ; SkipDelimiters skips over leading delimiters on the command ; line. It does not, however, skip the carriage return at the end ; of a line since this character is used as the terminator in the ; main program. SkipDelimiters proc near dec bx ;To offset INC BX below SDLoop: inc bx ;Move on to next character. mov al, es:[bx] ;Get next character cmp al, 0dh ;Don't skip if CR. jz QuitSD call TestDelimiter ;See if it's some other jz SDLoop ; delimiter and repeat. QuitSD: ret SkipDelimiters endp cseg ends dseg segment byte public 'data' PSP word ? ;Program segment prefix dseg ends sseg segment byte stack 'stack' stk word 0ffh dup (?) sseg ends zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz' LastBytes byte 16 dup (?) zzzzzzseg ends end MainPgm
Once you can scan the command line (that is, separate out the lexemes), the next step is to parse it. For most programs, parsing the command line is an extremely trivial process. If the program accepts only a single filename, all you've got to do is grab the first lexeme on the command line, slap a zero byte onto the end of it (perhaps moving it into your data segment), and use it as a filename. The following assembly language example modifies the hex dump routine presented earlier so that it gets its filename from the command line rather than hard-coding the filename into the program:
include stdlib.a includelib stdlib.lib cseg segment byte public 'CODE' assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, es:dseg, ss:sseg ; Note CR and LF are already defined in STDLIB.A tab equ 09h MainPgm proc far ; Properly set up the segment registers: mov ax, seg dseg mov es, ax ;Leave DS pointing at PSP ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; First, parse the command line to get the filename: mov si, 81h ;Pointer to command line lea di, FileName ;Pointer to FileName buffer SkipDelimiters: lodsb ;Get next character call TestDelimiter je SkipDelimiters ; Assume that what follows is an actual filename dec si ;Point at 1st char of name GetFName: lodsb cmp al, 0dh je GotName call TestDelimiter je GotName stosb ;Save character in file name jmp GetFName ; We're at the end of the filename, so zero-terminate it as ; required by DOS. GotName: mov byte ptr es:[di], 0 mov ax, es ;Point DS at DSEG mov ds, ax ; Now process the file mov ah, 3dh mov al, 0 ;Open file for reading lea dx, Filename ;File to open int 21h jnc GoodOpen print byte 'Cannot open file, aborting program...',cr,0 jmp PgmExit GoodOpen: mov FileHandle, ax ;Save file handle mov Position, 0 ;Initialize file position ReadFileLp: mov al, byte ptr Position and al, 0Fh ;Compute (Position MOD 16) jnz NotNewLn ;Every 16 bytes start a line putcr mov ax, Position ;Print offset into file xchg al, ah puth xchg al, ah puth print byte ': ',0 NotNewLn: inc Position ;Increment character count mov bx, FileHandle mov cx, 1 ;Read one byte lea dx, buffer ;Place to store that byte mov ah, 3Fh ;Read operation int 21h jc BadRead cmp ax, 1 ;Reached EOF? jnz AtEOF mov al, Buffer ;Get the character read and puth ; print it in hex mov al, ' ' ;Print a space between values putc jmp ReadFileLp BadRead: print byte cr, lf byte 'Error reading data from file, aborting.' byte cr,lf,0 AtEOF: mov bx, FileHandle ;Close the file mov ah, 3Eh int 21h ;--------------------------------------------------------------- PgmExit: ExitPgm MainPgm endp TestDelimiter proc near cmp al, ' ' je xit cmp al, ',' je xit cmp al, Tab je xit cmp al, ';' je xit cmp al, '=' xit: ret TestDelimiter endp cseg ends dseg segment byte public 'data' PSP word ? Filename byte 64 dup (0) ;Filename to dump FileHandle word ? Buffer byte ? Position word 0 dseg ends sseg segment byte stack 'stack' stk word 0ffh dup (?) sseg ends zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz' LastBytes byte 16 dup (?) zzzzzzseg ends end MainPgm
The following example demonstrates several concepts dealing with command line parameters. This program copies one file to another. If the "/U" switch is supplied (somewhere) on the command line, all of the lower case characters in the file are converted to upper case before being written to the destination file. Another feature of this code is that it will prompt the user for any missing filenames, much like the MASM and LINK programs will prompt you for filename if you haven't supplied any.
include stdlib.a includelib stdlib.lib cseg segment byte public 'CODE' assume cs:cseg, ds:nothing, es:dseg, ss:sseg ; Note: The constants CR (0dh) and LF (0ah) appear within the ; stdlib.a include file. tab equ 09h MainPgm proc far ; Properly set up the segment registers: mov ax, seg dseg mov es, ax ;Leave DS pointing at PSP ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; First, parse the command line to get the filename: mov es:GotName1, 0 ;Init flags that tell us if mov es:GotName2, 0 ; we've parsed the filenames mov es:ConvertLC,0 ; and the "/U" switch. ; Okay, begin scanning and parsing the command line mov si, 81h ;Pointer to command line SkipDelimiters: lodsb ;Get next character call TestDelimiter je SkipDelimiters ; Determine if this is a filename or the /U switch cmp al, '/' jnz MustBeFN ; See if it's "/U" here- lodsb and al, 5fh ;Convert "u" to "U" cmp al, 'U' jnz NotGoodSwitch lodsb ;Make sure next char is cmp al, cr ; a delimiter of some sort jz GoodSwitch call TestDelimiter jne NotGoodSwitch ; Okay, it's "/U" here. GoodSwitch: mov es:ConvertLC, 1 ;Convert LC to UC dec si ;Back up in case it's CR jmp SkipDelimiters ;Move on to next item. ; If a bad switch was found on the command line, print an error ; message and abort- NotGoodSwitch: print byte cr,lf byte 'Illegal switch, only "/U" is allowed!',cr,lf byte 'Aborting program execution.',cr,lf,0 jmp PgmExit ; If it's not a switch, assume that it's a valid filename and ; handle it down here- MustBeFN: cmp al, cr ;See if at end of cmd line je EndOfCmdLn ; See if it's filename one, two, or if too many filenames have been ; specified- cmp es:GotName1, 0 jz Is1stName cmp es:GotName2, 0 jz Is2ndName ; More than two filenames have been entered, print an error message ; and abort. print byte cr,lf byte 'Too many filenames specified.',cr,lf byte 'Program aborting...',cr,lf,lf,0 jmp PgmExit ; Jump down here if this is the first filename to be processed- Is1stName: lea di, FileName1 mov es:GotName1, 1 jmp ProcessName Is2ndName: lea di, FileName2 mov es:GotName2, 1 ProcessName: stosb ;Store away character in name lodsb ;Get next char from cmd line cmp al, cr je NameIsDone call TestDelimiter jne ProcessName NameIsDone: mov al, 0 ;Zero terminate filename stosb dec si ;Point back at previous char jmp SkipDelimiters ;Try again. ; When the end of the command line is reached, come down here and ; see if both filenames were specified. assume ds:dseg EndOfCmdLn: mov ax, es ;Point DS at DSEG mov ds, ax ; We're at the end of the filename, so zero-terminate it as ; required by DOS. GotName: mov ax, es ;Point DS at DSEG mov ds, ax ; See if the names were supplied on the command line. ; If not, prompt the user and read them from the keyboard cmp GotName1, 0 ;Was filename #1 supplied? jnz HasName1 mov al, '1' ;Filename #1 lea si, Filename1 call GetName ;Get filename #1 HasName1: cmp GotName2, 0 ;Was filename #2 supplied? jnz HasName2 mov al, '2' ;If not, read it from kbd. lea si, FileName2 call GetName ; Okay, we've got the filenames, now open the files and copy the ; source file to the destination file. HasName2 mov ah, 3dh mov al, 0 ;Open file for reading lea dx, Filename1 ;File to open int 21h jnc GoodOpen1 print byte 'Cannot open file, aborting program...',cr,lf,0 jmp PgmExit ; If the source file was opened successfully, save the file handle. GoodOpen1: mov FileHandle1, ax ;Save file handle ; Open (CREATE, actually) the second file here. mov ah, 3ch ;Create file mov cx, 0 ;Standard attributes lea dx, Filename2 ;File to open int 21h jnc GoodCreate ; Note: the following error code relies on the fact that DOS ; automatically closes any open source files when the program ; terminates. print byte cr,lf byte 'Cannot create new file, aborting operation' byte cr,lf,lf,0 jmp PgmExit GoodCreate: mov FileHandle2, ax ;Save file handle ; Now process the files CopyLoop: mov ah, 3Fh ;DOS read opcode mov bx, FileHandle1 ;Read from file #1 mov cx, 512 ;Read 512 bytes lea dx, buffer ;Buffer for storage int 21h jc BadRead mov bp, ax ;Save # of bytes read cmp ConvertLC,0 ;Conversion option active? jz NoConversion ; Convert all LC in buffer to UC- mov cx, 512 lea si, Buffer mov di, si ConvertLC2UC: lodsb cmp al, 'a' jb NoConv cmp al, 'z' ja NoConv and al, 5fh NoConv: stosb loop ConvertLC2UC NoConversion: mov ah, 40h ;DOS write opcode mov bx, FileHandle2 ;Write to file #2 mov cx, bp ;Write however many bytes lea dx, buffer ;Buffer for storage int 21h jc BadWrite cmp ax, bp ;Did we write all of the jnz jDiskFull ; bytes? cmp bp, 512 ;Were there 512 bytes read? jz CopyLoop jmp AtEOF jDiskFull: jmp DiskFull ; Various error messages: BadRead: print byte cr,lf byte 'Error while reading source file, aborting ' byte 'operation.',cr,lf,0 jmp AtEOF BadWrite: print byte cr,lf byte 'Error while writing destination file, aborting' byte ' operation.',cr,lf,0 jmp AtEOF DiskFull: print byte cr,lf byte 'Error, disk full. Aborting operation.',cr,lf,0 AtEOF: mov bx, FileHandle1 ;Close the first file mov ah, 3Eh int 21h mov bx, FileHandle2 ;Close the second file mov ah, 3Eh int 21h PgmExit: ExitPgm MainPgm endp TestDelimiter proc near cmp al, ' ' je xit cmp al, ',' je xit cmp al, Tab je xit cmp al, ';' je xit cmp al, '=' xit: ret TestDelimiter endp ; GetName- Reads a filename from the keyboard. On entry, AL ; contains the filename number and DI points at the buffer in ES ; where the zero-terminated filename must be stored. GetName proc near print byte 'Enter filename #',0 putc mov al, ':' putc gets ret GetName endp cseg ends dseg segment byte public 'data' PSP word ? Filename1 byte 128 dup (?) ;Source filename Filename2 byte 128 dup (?) ;Destination filename FileHandle1 word ? FileHandle2 word ? GotName1 byte ? GotName2 byte ? ConvertLC byte ? Buffer byte 512 dup (?) dseg ends sseg segment byte stack 'stack' stk word 0ffh dup (?) sseg ends zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz' LastBytes byte 16 dup (?) zzzzzzseg ends end MainPgm
As you can see, there is more effort expended processing the command line parameters than actually copying the files!
The UCR Standard Library provides two routines, argc
and argv
, which provide easy access to command line parameters. Argc
(argument count) returns the number of items on the command line. Argv
(argument vector) returns a pointer to a specific item in the command line.
These routines break up the command line into lexemes using the standard delimiters. As per MS-DOS convention, argc and argv treat any string surrounded by quotation marks on the command line as a single command line item.
will return in cx
the number
of command line items. Since MS-DOS does not include the program name on the command line,
this count does not include the program name either. Furthermore, redirection operands
(">filename" and "<filename") and items to the right of a pipe
("| command") do not appear on the command line either. As such, argc does not
count these, either.
returns a pointer to a string (allocated
on the heap) of a specified command line item. To use argv
you simply load ax
with a value between one and the number returned by argc
and execute
the argv
routine. On return, es:di
points at a string containing
the specified command line option. If the number in ax
is greater than the
number of command line arguments, then argv
returns a pointer to an empty
string (i.e., a zero byte). Since argv
calls malloc
to allocate
storage on the heap, there is the possibility that a memory allocation error will occur. Argv
returns the carry set if a memory allocation error occurs. Remember to free the storage
allocated to a command line parameter after you are through with it.
Example: The following code echoes the command line parameters to the screen.
include stdlib.a includelib stdlib.lib dseg segment para public 'data' ArgCnt word 0 dseg ends cseg segment para public 'code' assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg Main proc mov ax, dseg mov ds, ax mov es, ax ; Must call the memory manager initialization routine if you use ; any routine which calls malloc! ARGV is a good example of a ; routine which calls malloc. meminit argc ;Get the command line arg count. jcxz Quit ;Quit if no cmd ln args. mov ArgCnt, 1 ;Init Cmd Ln count. PrintCmds: printf ;Print the item. byte "\n%2d: ",0 dword ArgCnt mov ax, ArgCnt ;Get the next command line guy. argv puts inc ArgCnt ;Move on to next arg. loop PrintCmds ;Repeat for each arg. putcr Quit: ExitPgm ;DOS macro to quit program. Main endp cseg ends sseg segment para stack 'stack' stk byte 1024 dup ("stack ") sseg ends ;zzzzzzseg is required by the standard library routines. zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz' LastBytes byte 16 dup (?) zzzzzzseg ends end Main
[7] Many programmers use the term "token" rather than lexeme. Technically, a token is a different entity.
Table of Content | Chapter Thirteen (Part 10) |
Chapter Thirteen: MS-DOS, PC-BIOS and
File I/O (Part 9)
28 SEP 1996